Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reason #5 - Simplify

During a recent installation I had two young technicians helping me run the hydraulic tubing. And purging the line with hydraulic oil. I explained to them that we needed to know only three thing when installing hydraulic load cells. 1) The tube must be full of oil. 2) There must not be any air in the tube and 3) there should be enough pressure to make the diaphragm gap 26 thousands. "Just like a straw" one of them said. Yes it is as simple as a drinking straw.
Simple makes troubleshooting easy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why buy a Cardinal Hydraulic Truck Scale: Reason #4 - Eliminates Ground Potential Problems

Why buy a Cardinal Hydraulic Truck Scale: Reason #4 - Eliminates Ground Potential Problems: Most ligtning and drifting problems associated with truck scales come from the fact that the scale has a greater potentiak for ground than m...

Reason #4 - Eliminates Ground Potential Problems

Most ligtning and drifting problems associated with truck scales come from the fact that the scale has a greater potentiak for ground than most electrical supplies for bulidings. Ground potential problems increase a scale's vulnerability to lightning strikes and eratic weights. With proerly installed hydraulic scale the scale is isolated by non-conductive hydraulic hose at the junction box. Hydraulic oil is also nonconductive completely isolating the scale from the building's power supply.